How to Make a Target Run in 7 Minutes or Less
This isn't my first live stream project, but I definitely enjoyed this one the most. My wife and I came up with the idea that we could go shopping in target and get out within 7 minutes. Though that seems like an impossible task it's not as difficult as it appears. I've made many shopping runs by myself and I've been able to get out quickly mainly because I'm able to focus and get exactly what I need instead of picking up extra things that I don't necessarily need now. Which is why I go by myself sometimes. Now will say that this is for a smaller list of shopping items at not generally for an entire list of groceries that you're getting for a week or so. But if you arrive at the store with the list prepared in a sense of urgency and don't get distracted you can get out of there in a good amount of time. My wife has an app that she uses on her phone that allows her to keep track of her grocery list and mark it off as you go along. Here is my live stream video using Ustream. I thought it was a great way to get the family involved. It took a few minutes longer than 7 minutes, but again I usually make these runs by myself :)
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