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Writer's picturedmdavis88

From IT to ID

Updated: Nov 10, 2019

It really happened. Starting on Monday, October 28th, I'll start a new job as a Training Designer. My mood is currently in the clouds as I'm very excited, grateful and thankful for this opportunity that lies before me. I have many thanks for giving to everyone involved in any success that I've received over the past year. Dr. McNeill, I can't thank you enough for presenting the opportunity of the job opening to me. I thank you for your teaching and your instruction over the spring, summer and fall semesters. Dr. Wood, I thank you for your help and great teaching in the summer, and the fall of 2018 semester. I learned many important aspects of research and assessments. Instructor Graves, I definitely appreciated and enjoyed your instruction throughout the year. I learned tremendously about ID software and the many technologies over the last year in a half that helped me in getting a job. The cohort, best cohort ever, you guys are awesome and so uplifting, talented, competitive and caring at the same time. I love it. I'll see yall in person very soon, let's finish strong!

Special thanks to my family and friends for all of their support. I can't thank my wife Sammye enough and Brenley. Sammye was on board since day one with I started the IDTE program and has proofread many papers and discussions. She has tested many projects before I submitted them. She held things down for the family whenever I had to study and work at night. Especially during the summer when I was basically working on something every night! I couldn't have done without the Davis ladies.

Last Friday marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. I spent 10 years at Samford and it's bittersweet as I say goodbye to some sweet people who have been through so much life with us. We were newlyweds when I started. They celebrated with us Brenley’s birth several years later. Then they wrapped their arms and prayers around us several years after that as we said goodbye to my Dad. Thankful for the people I have gotten to know and the experiences I had while I was there. I will remain in contact and of course, I'm still a student until December 13th!

So what am I doing now? Well, I'm now working at Protective Life as a Training Designer! I am working with Training partners and Instructors, who get the instruction and training information from the many call centers and groups that use many systems and acquire various businesses such as Liberty mutual recently. Anytime that there is a new acquisition or new software or new hires, training programs are required. That's when I and a few other Designers coming in to create computer-based training modules. There's much for me to learn regarding how call centers work and how the different businesses operating to gain a better understanding. One thing that is very familiar to me is using Articulate Storyline and Rise which are their primary design programs here. All I can say is that I can't wait to get started on this new journey in my life and my career. I'm so grateful and thankful for this opportunity!

On the left: First day at Samford, October 12th, 2009, and on the Right: Davis Gang, October 22nd, 2019, after the farewell party.

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